Wednesday, 30 January 2013

100 Word Challenge 3 by Haiden

Maggie looked out of her bedroom window and thought that the rain would never stop. As it turned out, she was right...

"The Rain won't, but there’s got to be a way to stop it *Thinking*!"Worried Maggie
"What’s wrong darling, what has got you down this time, it better not be about the dog slaughter” Crumbled Maggie's mum
" your making it worse!" Cried Maggie, with tears streaming down here face,
"Oh,there, there!” Said Maggie's mom, while holding Maggie in her arms,
"I’ve got it we need to make our area a better place then the sky’s will think we good people" Excitedly
jumped Maggie with a brilliant idea stuck in her mind.
"How will that work!" Confusedly said mom.
(Maggie ran downstairs straight to her dad to tell him the idea she thought of)
Dad slowly turned his head around with grump to see Maggie's 10th attempt to try and clear the weather

                                            Part two coming soon!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

100 Word Challenge 3

I've finally judged the Christmas 100 Word Challenge. As we only had two entries, I think they will both win.

Here is the new challenge. Have fun!

Maggie looked out of  her bedroom window and thought that the rain would never stop. As it turned out, she was right...

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New riddle by Alisha

If you were locked in a room with nothing but a piano, how would you escape?