Tuesday, 29 January 2013

100 Word Challenge 3

I've finally judged the Christmas 100 Word Challenge. As we only had two entries, I think they will both win.

Here is the new challenge. Have fun!

Maggie looked out of  her bedroom window and thought that the rain would never stop. As it turned out, she was right...



  1. Maggie looked out of her bedroom window and thought that the rain would never stop. As it turned out, she was right! As it kept coming down thunder and lighting struck trees damp roads and paths, it was a nightmare even through the night you could even hear it terrorizing the doors. When I woke up erery thing was dmolished even the landscape, however in the distance I saw a strange man pushing a tree as if he was going to push it down eventurly he walked away.I went downstairs ran outside to see if he was down there however I could'nt see him at all only saying maggie goodbye for now. then i saw him putting his finger againt his throat!

  2. Maggie looked out of her bedroom window and thought that the rain would never stop. As it turned out, she was right as it carried on pouring with rain Maggie turned around and there was a figure standing as well as slouching on her bedroom floor bulging with purple puss, ruby red scorching eyes and blinding luminous pink spots popping and spreading blue goo every where some blue goo landed on her arm and her skin was burning getting hotter and hotter so she couldnt get to the tap to wash it of so she stuck her arm out to far in to the rain unexpectedly she fell out the window… to be continued and to see what happens next time.

  3. morgan and shania4 February 2013 at 10:10

    maggie looked out the bedroom window and thought that the rain will never stop as it turned out she was right. then suddenly she sore something amazing it started to raid candy she rain out side to see if she was dreaming then she pinched her self and almost amiditly she stared to eat all the candy it

  4. Morgan and shania that is not 100 words

  5. Maggie looked out of her bedroom window and thought that the rain would never stop as it turned out she was right.the rain got heavier and it started to flood so she went to sleep and the next morning she was woken up by a strange tapping on her bedroom window it tuns out that the water line had come up to her window and there were twigs tapping on her window.and there in the distance all she could see was dark misty fog.Bang bang bang foot steps were coming up the stairs theygoy louder and as she turned
