Olivia's Poetry

All poems written by Olivia

                           Smells beutiful
                           Red roses are the best
                           Lilys make my nose itch and twitch


                           Roses are red
                           Violets are blue
                           You need me
                           And I need you too                          

                          Cool Man
                          Biddle, awesome
                          Better than everyone
                          The best teacher I ever knew
                          Cool man!

                          Do you like jellybeans?
                          Do you like chocolate?
                          Do you like caremel?
                          Do you like lollypops?
                          I don't know so tell me or the door is right behind you!
                        The Caterpillar
                        On a golden,crusty leaf
                        Lays a prickly caterpillar
                        Waiting for the sunshine to dazzle
                        When he notices something flying above
                        It has a long pointy beak
                        And crystal sky eyes
                        Then suddenly ............. Bye Bye Caterpillar!

Meeting A Star

Shining bright in the sky
You remind me of happiness
I want to ask you a simple question
Can I come and meet you one day!

If I do I hope you don't mind me saying, I have some terrific news
I am finally coming to meet you
Make sure you do me a brew!

Wow this is amazing
The stars look like string christmas lights hung in the sky!
It comes to 8o'clock I sadly have to go
But don't worry this is'nt the last time you'll see me!

Special Person

There's nothing better seeing you just as yourself
Nobody makes me laugh as much as you do
When we play together you make my heart fill with glee
You will always be a special person to me!


Everyday is a happy day, because of the people on Earth!
They make it a joy to be here, alive and heathly on Earth!
I would'nt wish for a better life, here on Earth!
So next time you are here make sure you thank Earth!

Nothing Like

Crocodiles are scary
Cats are cute
Dogs are noisy
Allegaters are feice
Girrafes are ginormous
Dolphins are amazing
Hamsters are diddy
Rabbits are furry
Hippos are wrinkly
Except I am nothing like them I think I am like you!

I Wish I Could Have Met You

Great Great Nanny
Great Great Nanny
I wish I could have met you!

My mum has told me something about you
And you seem really nice!
I wish I could have met you!

You sound like you were very funny
And lovely to be around
I wish I could have met you!!


Friends are brilliant
They are the key to your life
Especially two girls I know
I'm not going to tell you who they are
It would'nt be fair
So next time I am with them
You might be there!


  1. Olivia, I love your poems. I have moved them on to the main page rather than in the comments box (I will teach you how to do this at school). My favourite poem is Friends. One tip for you- don't overdo the exclamation marks!!!!!

  2. we love your poems olivia

  3. The best poems ever. You should win a prize from the BBC

  4. olivia im not just saying this because you are my best friend i really love your poems i like the best friend one and the special person however i still like the rest i think you are a amazing writer for poems.

  5. alisha and tazmin11 January 2013 at 13:18

    i love your poems they are awesome i think you should get a prize for your amazing writing .

  6. your poems were aright and probable beater then my ones:)

  7. give nice ones Alec

  8. Some new poems! Great. There is one I particularly like...

  9. Norwich fan #16 March 2013 at 13:42

    Awesome Olivia

    It's not Alex Melton

  10. That's nice olivia
