The dragon slowly woke up, however the shiny green scaled dragon did not feel wright, he didn't know why. Slowly walking around he suddenly felt the floor carefully rumbled, shaking the dragon start to roar and he then sprinted into his habitat. Freaked out, it start coming towards him, but he just stayed still. Stumbling along cam some little dragons and a big mummy dragon, (it was his wife and baby's) rushing over as quick as he can he was so excitied that they came back to save his life.
We love to write at West Earlham Junior School...poems, stories, reviews, riddles.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Farm Boy by Michael Morpurgo
Farm Boy
When the boy is on the way to Australia he finds a letter in his bag written by his grandfather. The letter was talking about how he won the tractor. It all started when the grandfather and his son, Albert, were riding on their beloved horses. Stopping them in their tracks was Harry Medlicott, one of the citizens in the town, telling them how useless their horses were and how they should trade them for tractors. Albert, who was very defensive towards his horses, made a bet that if the tractor won in a ploughing race Mr Medlicott would get their best hay, but if he won he would come home with the tractor. Mr Medlicott agreed to this contest as well as find it quite amusing because surely two, old horses could not beat a brand new tractor.
By Laura Jones
Farm Boy is the sequel to the book War Horse by Michael Morpurgo. It is all about this boy (Albert's son) who visits his grandfather. While he is there his grandfather reveals his shameful secret, which is that he cannot read or write. So, the grandson agrees to dedicate a few months to teaching his grandfather, but he has to learn fast because the boy was planning to go to Australia for a few months. After the few months had gone by he was able to do it thanks to the long hours he put in.
When the day came Albert prepared Joey and Zoey, the two horses, and were off. At first Mr Medlicott was racing through, but after they had their lunch break Mr Medlicott's tractor would not start. This gave Albert a great advantage. Once he was rows and rows of fields ahead the tractor started again. Despite the delay quite shortly Mr Medlicott was in the lead. Eventually Albert could carry on no longer and his father had to finish the race. Just when were all going to loose hope, the tractor got stuck in mud. Quickly the grandfather (or now father) rushed through as many rows as possible when the judge ordered the race to be stopped. They counted up the rows and Albert and his father won! Just by one row! They went home and had the tractor ever since.
By Laura Jones
A spooky story by Klaudia
The haunted house of DEATH!!!!
Nobody had been into the old stadium since it closed down six years earlier. Driving past it on their way to the sparkling new stadium on the ring road, people would barely give it a second glance. Until the night that three children decided it would be fun to camp on the old pitch. Once it was dark, they climbed over the fence and made their way to what used to be the centre circle. That was when the fun really began. Not to be fun after all.
Everything was really misty and spooky now the three children understood that this place was not open for a reason
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
100 Word Challenge- part 2
This week, your challenge is to end your story with the line '... and with a crash, the tree toppled to the ground at last.'
Remember, the words I have written DO NOT count in your total. Also, if you cut and paste the story to Microsoft Word and use the 'Wordcount' tool, it is much quicker than counting the words yourself.
Haiden- I want to see you enter this week!
Good luck. Mr Biddle
Remember, the words I have written DO NOT count in your total. Also, if you cut and paste the story to Microsoft Word and use the 'Wordcount' tool, it is much quicker than counting the words yourself.
Haiden- I want to see you enter this week!
Good luck. Mr Biddle
Book reviewers- 100 Word Challenge
Can the book reviewers please read the 100 word stories that have been entered in this week's 100 Word Challenge competition, and post a comment saying which one they like best, giving reasons why? (Mrs Smith is sadly disqualified from the competition, as I believe she is over 11 years old.) If anyone else would like to post which one is their favourite, please feel free to do so.
Mr Biddle
Mr Biddle
News Report by Kye Ives-Keeler
Between Friday night and Monday morning, Mrs Burroughs, from West Earlham Junior School, discovered that her MBE medal was either stolen or missing. She came straight to Year 6 to get them to put up posters around the school. Luckily, it was found on Tuesday by Mr Creighton, the site supervisor.
It all started as Mrs Burroughs went into the school support base, and discovered that her MBE medal wasn't on her desk where she left it. Mrs Burroughs said "I couldn't believe it, I was really distraught. It was given to me by the queen."
Early on Tuesday morning (approximately 6:00), Mr Creighton was checking the field as usual. He then noticed a small cardboard box. As he opened it, he found the MBE medal. "I was just so shocked to find it," said Mr Creighton.
Mr Creighton later on returned it to to Mrs Burroughs. Her first words were "Oh my goodness, I am so relived, at least I can sleep tonight."
If you think you know who stole the MBE medal, contact West Earlham Junior school immediately.
My frying pan Caitlyn
Suddenly a terrifying bang echoed through the hallway... Petrified, I walked carefully out of my room, with my emergency frying pan at the ready. An eerie shadow trickled through the into the hall. It seemed to creep into my living room, almost as if it didn't want to be seen. WHACK! I swung wildly, and the shadow fell to the floor with a gargantuan thud.
Straight after, I switched the light on- only to reveal it was my Mum (who, for some reason, had my key). Eventually she came around, with my dog licking her face. As she was so dazed, she asked me what the frying pan was there for. I didn't really want to let on that it had been me who hit her, so I told her in a gentle, sweet way that I was cooking her a nightime fry up. I then explained to her that she must have fallen off the sofa. Did she believe me? I really don't know.
Straight after, I switched the light on- only to reveal it was my Mum (who, for some reason, had my key). Eventually she came around, with my dog licking her face. As she was so dazed, she asked me what the frying pan was there for. I didn't really want to let on that it had been me who hit her, so I told her in a gentle, sweet way that I was cooking her a nightime fry up. I then explained to her that she must have fallen off the sofa. Did she believe me? I really don't know.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
100 Word Challenge 1 by Caitlyn
The dragon slowly woke up and breathed a sudden sigh of relief for the dragon slayer had returned to his Kingdom.
As the colour of the horizon suddenly faded to grey, the hungry dragon set off to find his dinner. He reached Kinsdomtown. Everything was quiet until they noticed the dragon. As the land had been peaceful a woman cried “The dragons he…” and didn’t hear from her again .As this tragic thing happened everyone said that the dragon was the master. Well you could say that for about a month until everyone just well they all seemed to disappear.
Friday, 16 November 2012
100 Word Challenge 1 by Mrs Smith
Wow! Year 6 your stories are amazing! I couldn't resist having a go at this challenge myself as I love to write stories too.
The dragon woke up slowly and peered into the gloom. Listening deep into the deserted tunnels, he anxiously awaited the clanking echoes of armour, cold steel and naïve youth.
Extending his battle ravaged wings; he released a rumbling sigh that spoke of a life filled with anger and regret. He remembered the stories of his ancestors, legends of mighty dragons conquering evil along side proud, loyal knights.
But that’s all they were; stories of another time that could never be repeated.
Gathering himself to his full height, Mordagon, the last of his kind, prepared once again for the cruelty he must endure until his time ends.
The dragon woke up slowly and peered into the gloom. Listening deep into the deserted tunnels, he anxiously awaited the clanking echoes of armour, cold steel and naïve youth.
Extending his battle ravaged wings; he released a rumbling sigh that spoke of a life filled with anger and regret. He remembered the stories of his ancestors, legends of mighty dragons conquering evil along side proud, loyal knights.
But that’s all they were; stories of another time that could never be repeated.
Gathering himself to his full height, Mordagon, the last of his kind, prepared once again for the cruelty he must endure until his time ends.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
100 Word Challenge 1 by Alisha
The dragon slowly woke up and with a vast yawn ,as he stompted out of the cave and he swooped his wings and shew of his blood red wing as he flew to the rocky islands.while he was flew he saw a shadow above the clouds as he swooped up to see who it was...
when he reached the figure he found it was a nother dragon as they flew the chalky sky they landed at the cave. They where showing of there scaly wings as a nother drogon said my scales are more scaly then yours and sudenly they all became friends and live in the cave .
when he reached the figure he found it was a nother dragon as they flew the chalky sky they landed at the cave. They where showing of there scaly wings as a nother drogon said my scales are more scaly then yours and sudenly they all became friends and live in the cave .
100 Word Challenge 1 by Caylan
The dragon slowly woke up and he walked out side he whanted some one or somethink to eat . he wanded around and had a look for somthink but insted he found a nother dragon he pushed him and then he pushed him back then it started to come out into a fight he got scached and evry one saw and was just staring at thenm but then he got anoyed with the people just staring at them so he got some one eat them.
100 Word Challenge 1 by Elvin
The dragon slowly woke up and went to eat some humans, he travelled far across the land hoping to find a human (eating pigs and cows on the way)untill he found a large kingom.
The dragon went to see if there was any one to eat, it was then when he saw the very fat king, he roared and ate him in 1 gulp.Then a small boy weilding a sword and shield charged at him, the dragon blew viciouse flames at him, but the boy wasnt scared, he jumped up on to his face and stabbed the sword straight through.The dragon was dead.
The dragon went to see if there was any one to eat, it was then when he saw the very fat king, he roared and ate him in 1 gulp.Then a small boy weilding a sword and shield charged at him, the dragon blew viciouse flames at him, but the boy wasnt scared, he jumped up on to his face and stabbed the sword straight through.The dragon was dead.
100 Word Challenge 1 by Phoenix
The dragon slowly woke up after beging took down by armed people. They were drying to take him down but a group of planes fired gas boms at the meen dragon but he just wanted a freinds but the peopel did'ent no what he was saying.
The dragon was alone in a cage he dried berning the cage down but it was to strong the dragon was
The dragon was alone in a cage he dried berning the cage down but it was to strong the dragon was
Ben's Spooky Story
And that was when the fun began! Not.
When the three boys got to the centre circle, they decided to pitch their tent there."What are you doing boys?" yelled a booming voice.
When the three boys got to the centre circle, they decided to pitch their tent there."What are you doing boys?" yelled a booming voice.
"Nothing!"shrieked Steve.
"Don't tell me lies boys I know what you are doing." exclaimed the voice. Then they looked around hoping it would just be his imagination, however it wasn't.
"Hello... there's no one here" exclaimed Dan.
"LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE!!!" hollered a mysterious man.
Then he appeared from the sky in front of them."What the...? where did you come from?" yelled Jim.
"I was here all the time, I'm here to save you from the evil footballer. By the way, I'm George the ghost hunter," exclaimed George.
George explained to the boys "Legend says that Harry Smith, also known as Harry the hacker, died on the pitch approximately eighty years ago during the cup final in this very stadium. And on that very spot where your tent is set up!"
"I've heard this before!" commented Dan.
"Every year when the cup final is due to be played, he comes back to haunt the stadium and anyone who dares to set foot in it! That's why they built a new stadium!" exclaimed Jim.
"I guess he's here to haunt you this time," said George
"He doesn't like people being here does he George?" exclaimed Steve.
While the boys were talking to George, some eerie noises came from around the stadium. It sounded like cheering. But then a seat from the stands came flying towards them!
"Duck!!" yelled Geoge. He pushed the boys out of the way as the seat crashed onto the small crooked tent.
"I don't think I want to stay here," mumbled Jim.
"Don't be silly," said steve.
"It will be fun!" stated Dan
"Fun??" said Jim. "I don't think so!"
"I don't think you should be here. Go home now boys ok? It's for your own good," interrupted George.
The boys decided to pack up the tent and head home. As they were packing up, Harry the hacker apperead in front of them. He was wearing a football kit and carrying a football.
"George! Help us!" shouted the boys.
Geoge was standing behind the ghost of Harry the hacker. He pointed a machine at the ghost and then said "I'm sorry Harry, you're haunting has come to an end." He pushed the button on the machine and Harry was gone. The boys breathed in a sigh of relief.
As they went to thank George for saving them, he was nowhere to be seen! Was he a ghost too?? the boys thought. They had had enough adventure for one day and decided to go home quick! As they were walking across the pitch, they saw a football fly into the right hand corner of the goal! The stadium was filled with the sound of cheering.
I wonder if that was Harry the hacker scoring a goal...??
100 Word Challenge 1 by Darcey
The dragon slowly woke up and went to get some food In the forist.He hade to travil a loing way to get his food.He had to go throw the scary swomp first.
100 Word Challenge 1 by Ethan
The dragon slowly woke up to kill a princess and wreck a town but then he rememberd he was
100 Word Challenge 1 by Lily Mae and Sharice
The dragon slowly woke up and found a nother baby dragon laying next to it and it was wineing so the older dragon gave it some food to eat.After the little dragon had some food it went to sleep and didnt wake up ealy next morning.In the middle of the night the older dragon lit a fire to keep them warm in the middle of the night but when they go asleep they will blow it out and have one in the morning.when the woke up in the morning they forgot to blow out the fire and the house was on fire...
100 Word Challenge 1 by Emma
The Dragon slowly woke up and his gleaming red eyes stared in the distance across the rocky land.
Stomping out his cave he wildly flapped his scaly wings and flew down to town. Swooping down, he landed near the gleaming knight’s castle. With a ball of boiling fire the fierce Dragon roared at the stranger, creeping around the corner the Dragons fire ball hit the ancient man.
Suddenly, the knight came sprinting out of his slumped castle and saw his father lying on the ground, a tear dripped down his face.
Then when he turned the dragon was gone and was never to be seen again.
Stomping out his cave he wildly flapped his scaly wings and flew down to town. Swooping down, he landed near the gleaming knight’s castle. With a ball of boiling fire the fierce Dragon roared at the stranger, creeping around the corner the Dragons fire ball hit the ancient man.
Suddenly, the knight came sprinting out of his slumped castle and saw his father lying on the ground, a tear dripped down his face.
Then when he turned the dragon was gone and was never to be seen again.
100 Word Challenge 1 by Alec
The dragon slowly woke up and with his huge fat belly rumbling, went to town to eat some one big to fill him up after that he would go to a volcano to drink some lava and go back to his horrible green cave but today he was going to eat a hole kingdom when he got there, there was no one the so unforchanally he went back to his cave crim smelly to find out the hole massif kingdom was there in platinum shiny armour with razor sharp swords so the fight began sword men trying to stab the terrifying dark red sparkly shiny dragon.
100 Word Challenge 1 by Aidan
The Dragon woke up and let out a massive roar it was dinner time...Fiecely,the mighty Dragon blew
a gargantuan flame it made the hole village set on fire ,moreover all the petrifyed people ran
for their lives ,however the mighty Dragon was to fast!
Even all the over villages were fleeing,not even guns would hurt the dragon ,he just would not give up he was to hugry to give up.
millions of houses were destroyed,thousands of inasant people died. A hole village of people was not even enough for a dragon like this...
a gargantuan flame it made the hole village set on fire ,moreover all the petrifyed people ran
for their lives ,however the mighty Dragon was to fast!
Even all the over villages were fleeing,not even guns would hurt the dragon ,he just would not give up he was to hugry to give up.
millions of houses were destroyed,thousands of inasant people died. A hole village of people was not even enough for a dragon like this...
100 Word Challenge 1 by Maddie
The dragon woke up slowly and it apeered in a blow of frost and it looked huge but when it walked a bit closer out of the frost it was the tinyest dragon i ever saw it was so beutiful it was a lovely shade of chalky sky. It felt like i was going to get attaked but i edged forward a little bit and stroked it.It liked me it was like he was abanden by its mother I felt so sorry for it so I grabbed it and stuffed it in my duffle bag and ran off when I reached home It bit me .
100 Word Challenge 1 by Sean
The dragon slowly woke up and bellowed fire to a little village in a forest and the villagers were
petrifeid the houses where destroyed and burnt the villagers were angry but where to afraid to fight.
The villagers were walking towords the castle they went up to the king and demandned to have a knight to protect them from the dragon but they didn't want any old knight they wanted the best knight ever so the king gave them a knight to protect them and the dragon appeared again and the knight was happy to finaly batlle to the death with a dragon to be continued...
petrifeid the houses where destroyed and burnt the villagers were angry but where to afraid to fight.
The villagers were walking towords the castle they went up to the king and demandned to have a knight to protect them from the dragon but they didn't want any old knight they wanted the best knight ever so the king gave them a knight to protect them and the dragon appeared again and the knight was happy to finaly batlle to the death with a dragon to be continued...
100 Word Challenge 1 by Lewis
The dragon slowly woke up and bellowed his fire through a large town and was burning trees down in the almighty forrest.
The animals in the forrest were getting killed and people would starve because of him stealing peoples food for his breakfast,dinner and tea.He was going rampage but somebody had to stop him. The night had been with dragons for years so he knew he could stop him .
The knight got his sword and was cutting the dragons feet and legs then the dragon fell on his face then he was unconcious he tried to get up but he couldent he was down.
The animals in the forrest were getting killed and people would starve because of him stealing peoples food for his breakfast,dinner and tea.He was going rampage but somebody had to stop him. The night had been with dragons for years so he knew he could stop him .
The knight got his sword and was cutting the dragons feet and legs then the dragon fell on his face then he was unconcious he tried to get up but he couldent he was down.
100 Word Challenge 1 by Alex
The dragon slowly woke up and went to eat 2,000 human (as well as cows) and as he got to the kingdon a girl dragon was eating his breakfast. He was so angry he decided to eat her instad of humans. He got back to his cave a drawed out a plan but the girl dragon was outside and she got back to her cave and drawed at her plan. As they got ready to fight the king got out on the castle and stoped but got burnt out of his skin.The dragons were angry but they didn't fight.
But how come they didn't fight...
100 Word Challenge 1 by Ben H
The dragon slowly woke up and bellowed fire to set alight the local forest the village was petrifeid they were starving from the dragons mighty feats the bravest knight from the kingdom was injured from his prievous quest.
A boy from the village offerd to fight the beast he was taken to the kingdom the quest he had to complete was to free the curse betraying the kingdom the smoldering cave blasted his face with heat.
He had to rescue the golden chestplate he had has guantlets from before the dragon swiped at me I fell of the edge. I clung on to the chestplate,complete!
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
100 Word Challenge
Can you write a story of exactly 100 words? It isn't many, so you will have to choose them very carefully.
You story needs to start with 'The dragon slowly woke up and ...'.
The stories can be funny, scary, or whatever you would like them to be.
You story needs to start with 'The dragon slowly woke up and ...'.
The stories can be funny, scary, or whatever you would like them to be.
Post your stories on here (give them the title '100 Word Challenge by...'), and we will let our team of book reviewers judge the entries.
Mr Biddle
Mr Biddle
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Tom Palmer writing competition
We had some fantastic entries for this so thank you to everyone who entered! I have only read about half of them so far (it's too scary to read them all at once, I don't want to have nightmares). I will let you know the winners as soon as I can.
Mr Biddle
Mr Biddle
Welcome to our Year 6 blog! Here's a fantastic chance for you to write- about anything, at anytime. Your writing won't just be read by your friends at school, it will be read by people all over the world.
Stories, poems, letters, recounts, reviews, news- whatever you want to share, you can do it here. Just make sure you put your name on your writing somewhere, so we can see who is doing all the hard work!
Mr Biddle
Stories, poems, letters, recounts, reviews, news- whatever you want to share, you can do it here. Just make sure you put your name on your writing somewhere, so we can see who is doing all the hard work!
Mr Biddle
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