Thursday, 15 November 2012

100 Word Challenge 1 by Maddie

The dragon woke up slowly and it apeered in a blow of frost and it looked huge  but when it walked a bit closer out of the frost  it was the tinyest dragon i ever saw it was so beutiful it was a lovely shade of chalky sky. It felt like i was going to get attaked but i edged forward a little bit and stroked it.It liked me it was like he was abanden by its mother I felt so sorry for it so I grabbed it and stuffed it in my duffle bag and ran off when I reached home It bit me .


  1. I know why it bit you mabey cause you took it out of its resting place

  2. 116 words counted, great vocabulary and puncuation WelDone

  3. 100. Love the descibsion

  4. i like it maddie well done great words and vcop.
