Thursday, 15 November 2012

100 Word Challenge 1 by Alisha

The dragon slowly woke up and with a vast yawn ,as he stompted out of the cave and he swooped his wings and shew of his blood red  wing as he flew to the rocky islands.while he was flew he saw a shadow above the clouds as he swooped up to see who it was...
when he reached the figure he found it was a nother dragon as they flew the chalky sky they landed at the cave. They where showing of  there   scaly wings as a nother drogon  said  my scales are more scaly then yours and sudenly they all became friends and live in the cave .


  1. by the way 96 words counted from me but i might be wrong and make sure it makes sence

  2. i counted 106 i agree make sure it makes sence

  3. 103 counted. Haiden and Olivia Are countind the dragon slowly woke up and bit.
